About TestifySec

TestifySec unifies developers and cybersecurity teams in defending against software supply chain threats by integrating zero trust governance principles into build pipelines.

We create transparency and accountability with our open-source and commercial products that observe, manage, and act on metadata at each step of the software or AI model generation process. Everyone deserves secure software.

A graphic showing that there is no I in TEAM.
JUDGE Platform

JUDGE creates a unified developer and cybersecurity governance experience that automates, acts, and verifies evidence-based supply chain attestations and trusted telemetry to amplify the Sec in DevSecOps.

Open Source Support

We provide support for open source tooling such as Witness, Archivista, in-toto, TUF, SPIRE, Jenkins, GitLab and more.

Advisory Services

We help your team develop policy and select and implement the highest value security and risk management practices for your organization.

Our team

The people behind TestifySec

We are an engineering led organization that is focused on providing the best security solutions for our clients.

Cole Kennedy

Cole Kennedy

Chief Executive OfficerCo-Founder

Mikhail Swift

Mikhail Swift

Chief Technical OfficerCo-Founder

Jason Weiss

Jason Weiss

Chief Operating Officer

Kris Coleman

Kris Coleman

Director ofPlatform Engineering

Matt Denny

Matt Denny

Director ofMarketing & Outreach

David Elliott

David Elliott

Director ofUser Experience & Design

Robbi Kenney

Robbi Kenney

Director ofChannel Delivery

Frederick Kautz

Frederick Kautz

Director of R&D

John Kjell

John Kjell

Director of Open Source

Mike LeBeau

Mike LeBeau

Director of Partnerships

Georges Dugue Jr.

Georges Dugue Jr.

DevSecOps Engineer

Clay McCoy

Clay McCoy

Staff Engineer

Nick Kane

Nick Kane

Staff Engineer

Tom Meadow

Tom Meadow

Open Source Engineer

Kairo Araujo

Kairo Araujo

Open Source Engineer

Tanner Jones

Tanner Jones

Technical Account Manager

Justin Cormack

Justin Cormack

Board of Advisors

Chris Hughes

Chris Hughes

Board of Advisors

A graphic showing the TestifySec platform, describing how it helps solve Risk, Compliance, and Security challenges.
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