Configuring JUDGE Helm Deployments
Customizing with Helm Charts
JUDGE offers flexibility in customizing deployments through Helm charts. You can tailor your deployment according to your specific requirements by overriding default values using Helm.
Using Helm cli args
You can customize the JUDGE umbrella values.yaml
file when installing our Helm charts from our registry. Helm allows you to override default values specified in the values.yaml
file of the chart during installation. Here's how you can do it:
# JAR (JUDGE Artifact Registry)
helm install judge --set key1=value1,key2=value2
# aws marketplace ecr
helm install judge oci:// --version 0.2.0 \
-f values.yaml \
--set global.registry="" \
--set global.repository="testifysec" \
--set kratos.kratos.dsn="postgres://${PGUSER}:${PGPASSWORD//,/\\,}@${PGHOST}:${PGPORT}/kratos?max_conns=20&max_idle_conns=4" \
--set kratos.kratos.config.selfservice.methods.oidc.config.providers[0].client_id="${GITLAB_OIDC_CLIENT_ID}" \
--set kratos.kratos.config.selfservice.methods.oidc.config.providers[0].client_secret="${GITLAB_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET}" \
--set kratos.kratos.config.selfservice.methods.oidc.config.providers[1].client_id="${GITHUB_OIDC_CLIENT_ID}" \
--set kratos.kratos.config.selfservice.methods.oidc.config.providers[1].client_secret="${GITHUB_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET}" \
--set dex.config.connectors[0].config.clientID="${GITLAB_OIDC_CLIENT_ID}" \
--set dex.config.connectors[0].config.clientSecret="${GITLAB_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET}" \
--set judge-api.sqlStore.connectionString="postgres://${PGUSER}:${PGPASSWORD//,/\\,}@${PGHOST}:${PGPORT}/judge" \
--set archivista.sqlStore.connectionString="postgres://${PGUSER}:${PGPASSWORD//,/\\,}@${PGHOST}:${PGPORT}/archivista" \
--set judge-api.workflows.signer.kmsUri="awskms:///${WORKFLOWKEYARN}" \
--set judge-api.workflows.slackIntegration.channelId="${SLACK_CHANNEL_ID}" \
--set judge-api.workflows.slackIntegration.token="${SLACK_TOKEN}" \
--set judge-api.dapr.pubsub.sqsQueueNameOverride="${QUEUE_NAME}" \
--set judge-api.deployment.env[0].value="${TOPIC_NAME}" \
--set archivista.deployment.env[0].value="${TOPIC_NAME}" \
In this command:
is the name you're giving to the
is the location of the chart in the registry.--set
allows you to override specific values defined in thevalues.yaml
file. You can specify multiple key-value pairs separated by commas.
Using a Separate YAML File
Alternatively, you can also use a separate YAML file to specify the custom values:
helm install judge -f values.yaml
In this case, values.yaml
contains the custom values you want to override from the default values.yaml
file of the chart. This can be very useful when you need to reconfigure many parts of JUDGE.
Configuration Knobs
Below is a table of all the configuration knobs available in JUDGE that you can override to customize your deployment:
Parameter | Description | Default |
global.registry | The domain of a judge oci image registry | |
global.repository | The path of the oci image registry | judge-395516/judge-image-registry |
web.replicaCount | Number of replicas | 1 |
web.image.registry | The domain of a judge oci image registry | |
web.image.repository | judge-web image repository | judge-395516/judge-image-registry |
web.image.tag | tag of the image | [release or digest] |
web.image.pullPolicy | Pull policy of the image | IfNotPresent |
web.nameOverride | Override name of app | "" |
web.fullnameOverride | Override full name of app | "" |
web.serviceAccount.create | Specifies whether a service account should be created | true |
web.serviceAccount.automount | Automatically mount a ServiceAccount's API credentials? | true |
web.serviceAccount.annotations | Annotations to add to the service account | {} | | The name of the service account to use | "" |
web.podAnnotations | Pod annotations | {} |
web.podLabels | Pod labels | {} |
web.podSecurityContext | Pod security context | {} |
web.securityContext | Security context | {} |
web.service.type | The type of service to create | ClusterIP |
web.service.port | Port of the service | 8077 |
web.ingress.enabled | Enable or disable ingress | true |
web.ingress.className | Ingress class name | nginx |
web.ingress.annotations | Ingress annotations | { "tls-ca-issuer", "true", "/"} |
web.redirectIngress.enabled | Enable or disable redirect ingress | true |
web.redirectIngress.className | Redirect ingress class name | nginx |
web.redirectIngress.annotations | redirectIngress annotations | { "tls-ca-issuer", "true", "true", "/$2"} |
web.resources | Pod resource requests & limits | {} |
web.autoscaling.enabled | Enables Kubernetes autoscaling | false |
web.autoscaling.minReplicas | Minimum number of replicas | 1 |
web.autoscaling.maxReplicas | Maximum number of replicas | 100 |
web.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | Target CPU utilization percentage | 80 |
web.volumes | Additional volumes on the output Deployment definition | [] |
web.volumeMounts | Additional volumeMounts on the output Deployment definition | [] |
web.nodeSelector | Node labels for pod assignment | {} |
web.tolerations | Tolerations for pod assignment | [] |
web.affinity | Map of node/pod affinities | {} |
judge-api.replicaCount | Number of replicas | 1 |
judge-api.image.registry | The domain of a judge oci image registry | |
judge-api.image.repository | JUDGE-API image repository | judge-395516/judge-image-registry |
judge-api.image.pullPolicy | Pull policy of the image | IfNotPresent |
judge-api.image.tag | JUDGE-API image tag | "[release or digest]" |
judge-api.image.pullSecrets | Image pull secrets | - name: gcr-secret |
judge-api.nameOverride | Override name of app | "" |
judge-api.fullnameOverride | Override full name of app | "" |
judge-api.serviceAccount.create | Specifies whether a service account should be created | false |
judge-api.serviceAccount.annotations | Annotations to add to the service account | {} | | The name of the service account to use | "" |
judge-api.podAnnotations | Pod annotations | {} |
judge-api.podSecurityContext | Pod security context | {} |
judge-api.securityContext | Security context | {} |
judge-api.deployment.env | Environment variables for the deployment | KRATOS_PUBLIC_URL ="kratos-public.default.svc.cluster.local" , KRATOS_ADMIN_URL ="kratos-admin.default.svc.cluster.local" |
judge-api.dapr.pubsub.sqsQueueNameOverride | SQS queue name override | "" |
judge-api.service.type | The type of service to create | ClusterIP |
judge-api.service.port | Port of the service | 8080 |
judge-api.ingress.enabled | Enable or disable ingress | true |
judge-api.ingress.className | Ingress class name | "nginx" |
judge-api.ingress.annotations | Ingress annotations | {} |
judge-api.workflows.slackIntegration.channelId | Slack channel ID for workflows | "" |
judge-api.workflows.slackIntegration.token | Slack token for workflows | "" |
judge-api.resources | Pod resource requests & limits | {} |
judge-api.autoscaling.enabled | Enables autoscaling for Kubernetes | false |
judge-api.autoscaling.minReplicas | Minimum number of replicas | 1 |
judge-api.autoscaling.maxReplicas | Maximum number of replicas | 10 |
judge-api.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | Target CPU utilization for autoscaling | 80 |
judge-api.nodeSelector | Node labels for pod assignment | {} |
judge-api.tolerations | Tolerations for pod assignment | [] |
judge-api.affinity | Map of node/pod affinities | {} |
archivista.replicaCount | Number of replicas for archivista | 1 |
archivista.image.registry | The domain of a judge oci image registry | |
archivista.image.repository | Archivista image repository | judge-395516/judge-image-registry |
archivista.image.tag | Archivista image tag | [release or digest] |
archivista.image.pullPolicy | Pull policy for the image | IfNotPresent |
archivista.nameOverride | Override name of archivista app | "" |
archivista.fullnameOverride | Override full name of archivista app | "" |
archivista.deployment.env.ARCHIVISTA_ENABLE_SPIFFE | SPIFFE enablement | "False" |
archivista.deployment.env.ARCHIVISTA_LISTEN_ON | Archivista service listener address | tcp:// |
archivista.deployment.env.ARCHIVISTA_STORAGE_BACKEND | Specifies the storage backend used by Archivista | BLOB |
archivista.deployment.env.ARCHIVISTA_BLOB_STORE_USE_TLS | Indicates if TLS is used for blob store access | "False" |
archivista.deployment.env.ARCHIVISTA_BLOB_STORE_ACCESS_KEY_ID | Access key ID for blob store | "minio-user" |
archivista.deployment.env.ARCHIVISTA_BLOB_STORE_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_ID | Secret key ID for blob store access | "minio-password" |
archivista.deployment.env.ARCHIVISTA_BLOB_STORE_BUCKET_NAME | Bucket name in blob store | "archivista" |
archivista.deployment.env.ARCHIVISTA_BLOB_STORE_ENDPOINT | Blob store endpoint | judge-minio.default.svc.cluster.local:9000 |
archivista.deployment.env.ARCHIVISTA_ENABLE_GRAPHQL | GraphQL enablement | "true" |
archivista.deployment.env.ARCHIVISTA_GRAPHQL_WEB_CLIENT_ENABLE | GraphQL WebClient enablement | "true" |
archivista.deployment.env.ARCHIVISTA_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS | Allowed CORS origins | "*" |
archivista.deployment.env.MYSQLPASS | MySQL password | "root" |
archivista.deployment.env.ARCHIVISTA_SQL_STORE_CONNECTION_STRING | SQL store connection string | root:root@tcp(judge-mysql.default.svc.cluster.local:3306)/archivista |
archivista.serviceAccount.create | Specifies whether a service account should be created | false |
archivista.serviceAccount.annotations | Annotations to add to the service account | {} | | The name of the service account to use | "" |
archivista.podAnnotations | Pod annotations for archivista | {} |
archivista.podSecurityContext | Pod security context for archivista | {} |
archivista.securityContext | Security context for archivista | {} |
archivista.deployment.env | Environment variables for the deployment | Specified list of environment variables |
archivista.service.type | The type of service for archivista | ClusterIP |
archivista.service.port | Port of the service for archivista | 8082 |
archivista.ingress.enabled | Enable or disable ingress for archivista | true |
archivista.ingress.className | Ingress class name for archivista | "" |
archivista.ingress.annotations | Ingress annotations for archivista | {} |
archivista.resources | Pod resource requests & limits for archivista | {} |
archivista.autoscaling.enabled | Enables Kubernetes autoscaling for archivista | false |
archivista.autoscaling.minReplicas | Minimum number of replicas for archivista | 1 |
archivista.autoscaling.maxReplicas | Maximum number of replicas for archivista | 10 |
archivista.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | Target CPU utilization for autoscaling | 80 |
archivista.nodeSelector | Node labels for pod assignment in archivista | {} |
archivista.tolerations | Tolerations for pod assignment in archivista | [] |
archivista.affinity | Map of node/pod affinities in archivista | {} |
dex.namespace.create | Specifies whether to create a namespace for Dex | false | | Name of the Dex namespace | tsa-system |
dex.replicaCount | Number of Dex server replicas | 1 |
dex.image.repository | Repository for Dex server image | |
dex.image.pullPolicy | Pull policy for Dex server image | IfNotPresent |
dex.image.tag | Tag of the Dex image | "" |
dex.imagePullSecrets | Secrets to pull the Dex image | [] |
dex.nameOverride | Name override for Dex | "" |
dex.fullnameOverride | Full name override for Dex | "" |
dex.hostAliases | Host aliases for Dex pods | [] |
dex.https.enabled | Enable HTTPS endpoint for Dex | false |
dex.grpc.enabled | Enable gRPC endpoint for Dex | false |
dex.configSecret.create | Enable creating a secret from values passed to config | true | | Name of the secret to mount as configuration | "" |
dex.config | Application configuration for Dex | {} |
dex.volumes | Additional volumes for Dex pods | [] |
dex.volumeMounts | Additional volume mounts for Dex pods | [] |
dex.envFrom | Additional environment variables from secrets or config maps | [] |
dex.env | Additional environment variables for Dex containers | {} |
dex.envVars | Additional environment variables with support for all possible configurations | [] |
dex.serviceAccount.create | Enable service account creation for Dex | true |
dex.serviceAccount.annotations | Annotations to be added to the service account | {} | | Name of the service account to use | "" |
dex.rbac.create | Enable RBAC resources creation for Dex | true |
dex.rbac.createClusterScoped | Enable creation of cluster-scoped RBAC resources for Dex | true |
dex.deploymentAnnotations | Annotations to be added to deployment | {} |
dex.deploymentLabels | Labels to be added to deployment | {} |
dex.podAnnotations | Annotations to be added to pods | {} |
dex.podLabels | Labels to be added to pods | {} |
dex.podDisruptionBudget.enabled | Enable pod disruption budget for Dex | false |
dex.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable | Minimum number of available pods for pod disruption budget | {} |
dex.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable | Maximum number of unavailable pods for pod disruption budget | {} |
dex.priorityClassName | Pod priority class name for Dex | "" |
dex.podSecurityContext | Pod security context for Dex | {} |
dex.revisionHistoryLimit | Number of deployment revisions to be kept for Dex | 10 |
dex.securityContext | Container security context for Dex containers | {} |
dex.service.annotations | Annotations to be added to the service | {} |
dex.service.type | Service type for Dex | ClusterIP |
dex.service.clusterIP | Internal cluster service IP for Dex | "" |
dex.service.ports.http.port | HTTP service port for Dex | 5556 |
dex.service.ports.http.nodePort | HTTP node port for Dex (if applicable) | "" |
dex.service.ports.https.port | HTTPS service port for Dex | 5554 |
dex.service.ports.https.nodePort | HTTPS node port for Dex (if applicable) | "" |
dex.service.ports.grpc.port | gRPC service port for Dex | 5557 |
dex.service.ports.grpc.nodePort | gRPC node port for Dex (if applicable) | "" |
dex.ingress.enabled | Enable ingress for Dex | false |
dex.ingress.className | Ingress class name for Dex | "" |
dex.ingress.annotations | Annotations to be added to the ingress | {} |
dex.ingress.hosts | Ingress host configuration for Dex | [{ host: chart-example.local, paths: [{ path: /, pathType: ImplementationSpecific }] }] |
dex.ingress.tls | Ingress TLS configuration for Dex | [] |
dex.serviceMonitor.enabled | Enable Prometheus ServiceMonitor for Dex | false |
dex.serviceMonitor.namespace | Namespace for ServiceMonitor resource | "" |
dex.serviceMonitor.interval | Prometheus scrape interval for ServiceMonitor | "" |
dex.serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout | Prometheus scrape timeout for ServiceMonitor | "" |
dex.serviceMonitor.labels | Labels to be added to ServiceMonitor | {} |
dex.serviceMonitor.annotations | Annotations to be added to ServiceMonitor | {} |
dex.serviceMonitor.scheme | HTTP scheme to use for scraping in ServiceMonitor | "" |
fulcio.namespace.create | Whether to create the Fulcio namespace | false | | Name of the Fulcio namespace if created | fulcio-system |
fulcio.imagePullSecrets | Secrets to pull the Fulcio image | [] |
fulcio.config.contents | Contents of Fulcio configuration | {} |
fulcio.server.replicaCount | Number of replicas for Fulcio server | 1 | | Name of the Fulcio server | server |
fulcio.server.svcPort | Service port for Fulcio server | 80 |
fulcio.server.grpcSvcPort | gRPC service port for Fulcio server | 5554 |
fulcio.server.secret | Secret for Fulcio server | fulcio-server-secret |
fulcio.server.logging.production | Whether production logging is enabled for Fulcio | false |
fulcio.server.image.registry | Registry for Fulcio server image | |
fulcio.server.image.repository | Repository for Fulcio server image | projectsigstore/fulcio |
fulcio.server.image.pullPolicy | Pull policy for Fulcio server image | IfNotPresent |
fulcio.server.image.version | Version/tag for Fulcio server image | sha256:d4e075bfaf0539a5220f3a76b80454261ecda443248fce283fd185d27e9910d4 |
fulcio.server.args.port | Port for Fulcio server | 5555 |
fulcio.server.args.grpcPort | gRPC port for Fulcio server | 5554 |
fulcio.server.args.certificateAuthority | Certificate authority for Fulcio server | fileca |
fulcio.server.args.hsm_caroot_id | HSM CA root ID for Fulcio server | |
fulcio.server.args.aws_hsm_root_ca_path | AWS HSM root CA path for Fulcio server | |
fulcio.server.args.gcp_private_ca_parent | GCP private CA parent for Fulcio server | projects/test/locations/us-east1/caPools/test |
fulcio.server.args.ct_log_url | URL for CT log for Fulcio server | |
fulcio.server.args.disable_ct_log | Whether CT log is disabled for Fulcio server | false |
fulcio.server.serviceAccount.create | Whether to create a service account for Fulcio server | true | | Name of the service account for Fulcio server | |
fulcio.server.serviceAccount.annotations | Annotations for the Fulcio server service account | {} |
fulcio.server.serviceAccount.mountToken | Whether to mount token for Fulcio server service account | true |
fulcio.server.service.type | Service type for Fulcio server | ClusterIP |
fulcio.server.service.ports | Ports for Fulcio server service | http: 80, grpc: 5554, 2112-tcp: 2112 |
fulcio.server.ingress.http.enabled | Whether HTTP ingress is enabled for Fulcio server | true |
fulcio.server.ingress.http.className | Ingress class for HTTP for Fulcio server | "nginx" |
fulcio.server.ingress.http.annotations | Annotations for HTTP ingress for Fulcio server | {} |
fulcio.server.ingress.http.hosts | Hosts for HTTP ingress for Fulcio server | [{path: "/", host: "fulcio.localhost"}] |
fulcio.server.ingress.http.tls | TLS configuration for HTTP ingress for Fulcio server | [] |
fulcio.server.ingress.grpc.enabled | Whether gRPC ingress is enabled for Fulcio server | false |
fulcio.server.ingress.grpc.className | Ingress class for gRPC for Fulcio server | |
fulcio.server.ingress.grpc.annotations | Annotations for gRPC ingress for Fulcio server | { "GRPC"} |
fulcio.server.ingress.grpc.hosts | Hosts for gRPC ingress for Fulcio server | [{host: fulcio.localhost, path: /dev.sigstore.fulcio.v2.CA}] |
fulcio.server.ingress.grpc.tls | TLS configuration for gRPC ingress for Fulcio server | [{secretName: fulcio-grpc-ingress-tls, hosts: [fulcio.localhost]}] |
fulcio.server.ingresses | List of additional ingresses for Fulcio server | [{enabled: false, grpc: true, http: true, name: "gce-ingress", className: "gce", ...}] |
fulcio.server.securityContext.runAsNonRoot | Whether to run Fulcio server as non-root | true |
fulcio.server.securityContext.runAsUser | User ID for running Fulcio server | 65533 |
fulcio.createcerts.enabled | Whether to enable creation of certificates | true |
fulcio.createcerts.replicaCount | Number of replicas for certificate creation | 1 | | Name of the certificate creation component | createcerts |
fulcio.createcerts.image.registry | Registry for certificate creation image | |
fulcio.createcerts.image.repository | Repository for certificate creation image | sigstore/scaffolding/createcerts |
fulcio.createcerts.image.pullPolicy | Pull policy for certificate creation image | IfNotPresent |
fulcio.createcerts.image.version | Version/tag for certificate creation image | sha256:2aaea38198d25ee53fb1f6da79eaa75c24bcc4ef81792a68687ba2ae0dc8ccf6 |
fulcio.createcerts.ttlSecondsAfterFinished | Time to live for the job after completion | |
kratos.replicaCount | Number of replicas in deployment | 1 |
kratos.strategy.type | Deployment update strategy type | RollingUpdate |
kratos.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge | The max surge for rolling update | 25% |
kratos.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable | The max unavailable for rolling update | 25% |
kratos.image.repository | ORY KRATOS image repository | |
kratos.image.tag | ORY KRATOS version tag | v1.0.0-token-update |
kratos.image.pullPolicy | Image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
kratos.imagePullSecrets | Specify docker-registry secret names as an array | [] |
kratos.nameOverride | String to partially override kratos.fullname template with a string | `` |
kratos.fullnameOverride | String to fully override kratos.fullname template with a string | "kratos" |
kratos.service.admin.enabled | Enable admin service | true |
kratos.service.admin.type | Admin service type | ClusterIP |
kratos.service.admin.port | Admin service port | 80 | | Admin service port name | http |
kratos.service.admin.metricsPath | Path to the admin metrics endpoint | /admin/metrics/prometheus |
kratos.service.public.enabled | Enable public service | true |
kratos.service.public.type | Public service type | ClusterIP |
kratos.service.public.port | Public service port | 80 | | Public service port name | http |
kratos.ingress.public.enabled | Enable public ingress | true |
kratos.ingress.public.className | Public ingress class name | nginx |
kratos.ingress.public.hosts[0].host | Host for public ingress | kratos.testifysec.localhost |
kratos.ingress.public.hosts[0].paths[0].path | Path for public ingress | / |
kratos.ingress.public.tls[0].secretName | TLS secret name for public ingress | kratos-tls-secret |
kratos.kratos.development | Enable development mode for Kratos | false |
kratos.kratos.dsn | DSN for connecting to the database | mysql://root:root@tcp(judge-mysql.default.svc.cluster.local:3306)/kratos |
kratos.kratos.config.serve.admin.port | Port for Kratos admin service | 4433 |
kratos.kratos.config.serve.public.port | Port for Kratos public service | 4434 |
kratos.kratos.config.serve.public.base_url | Base URL for the public service | https://kratos.testifysec.localhost |
kratos.kratos.config.log.level | Log level | debug |
kratos.kratos.config.selfservice.flows.login.ui_url | UI URL for the login flow | https://login.testifysec.localhost/login |
kratos.kratos.config.methods.password.enabled | Enable password method for authentication | false |
kratos.kratos.config.methods.oidc.enabled | Enable OpenID Connect method for authentication | true |
kratos.kratos.secrets | Secrets used by Kratos | {} |
kratos.kratos.config.serve.admin.port | The port for the Kratos admin service | 4433 |
kratos.kratos.config.serve.public.port | The port for the Kratos public service | 4434 |
kratos.kratos.config.serve.public.base_url | The base URL to access the public service | https://kratos.testifysec.localhost |
kratos.kratos.config.serve.public.cors.enabled | Enable CORS support | true |
kratos.kratos.config.serve.public.cors.allowed_origins | Origins allowed to perform CORS requests | [ "https://*.testifysec.localhost:8077" ] |
kratos.kratos.config.serve.public.cors.allowed_methods | HTTP methods allowed for CORS requests | [ "POST", "GET", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE" ] |
kratos.kratos.config.serve.public.cors.allowed_headers | Headers that can be used when making a request | [ "Authorization", "Cookie", "Content-Type" ] |
kratos.kratos.config.serve.public.cors.exposed_headers | Headers that are safe to expose to the API of a CORS API specification | [ "Content-Type", "Set-Cookie" ] |
kratos.kratos.config.log.level | The log level (e.g., info, warn, debug) | debug |
kratos.kratos.config.log.format | The log format (e.g., json) | json |
kratos.kratos.config.log.leak_sensitive_values | Option to leak sensitive values in the logs | true |
kratos.kratos.config.selfservice.flows.login.ui_url | The user interface URL for the login page | https://login.testifysec.localhost/login |
kratos.kratos.config.selfservice.flows.error.ui_url | The user interface URL for the error page | https://login.testifysec.localhost/error |
kratos.kratos.config.selfservice.flows.settings.ui_url | The user interface URL for the settings page | http://login.testifysec.localhost/settings |
kratos.kratos.config.selfservice.flows.recovery.enabled | Enable the recovery flow | true |
kratos.kratos.config.selfservice.flows.recovery.ui_url | The user interface URL for the recovery page | https://login.testifysec.localhost/recovery |
kratos.kratos.config.selfservice.flows.verification.enabled | Enable the verification flow | true |
kratos.kratos.config.selfservice.flows.verification.ui_url | The user interface URL for the verification page | https://login.testifysec.localhost/verification |
kratos.kratos.config.selfservice.flows.registration.ui_url | The user interface URL for the registration page | https://login.testifysec.localhost/registration |
kratos.kratos.config.selfservice.flows.logout.after.default_browser_return_url | Default return URL after logout | https://login.testifysec.localhost/login |
kratos.kratos.config.selfservice.methods.password.enabled | Enable password authentication method | false |
kratos.kratos.config.selfservice.methods.oidc.enabled | Enable OIDC authentication method | true |
kratos.kratos.config.identity.default_schema_id | The default identity schema ID | default |
kratos.kratos.config.courier.smtp.connection_uri | SMTP connection URI for sending emails | smtps://dummy |
kratos.kratos.config.cookies.domain | The domain scope for cookies | testifysec.localhost |
kratos.kratos.config.cookies.path | The path scope for cookies | / |
kratos.kratos.config.cookies.same_site | SameSite attribute for cookies | Lax |
kratos.kratos.config.selfservice.methods.oidc.config.providers[].id | Identifier for the authentication provider | gitlab |
kratos.kratos.config.selfservice.methods.oidc.config.providers[].provider | The name of the identity provider | gitlab |
kratos.kratos.config.selfservice.methods.oidc.config.providers[].client_id | The client ID obtained from GitLab for OIDC authentication | YOUR_GITLAB_CLIENT_ID |
kratos.kratos.config.selfservice.methods.oidc.config.providers[].client_secret | The client secret obtained from GitLab | YOUR_GITLAB_CLIENT_SECRET |
kratos.kratos.config.selfservice.methods.oidc.config.providers[].issuer_url | The issuer URL for GitLab's OIDC endpoint | |
kratos.kratos.config.selfservice.methods.oidc.config.providers[].scope | Scopes requested from GitLab during authentication | [ "openid", "profile", "email" ] |
kratos.kratos.config.selfservice.methods.oidc.config.providers[].mapper_url | URL to the Jsonnet file for mapping GitLab user info to Kratos identities | file:///etc/config/kratos/gitlab.jsonnet |
minio.replicaCount | Number of Minio replicas | 1 |
minio.image.registry | The domain of the Minio OCI image registry | |
minio.image.repository | Minio image repository | minio/minio |
minio.image.tag | Tag of the Minio image | latest |
minio.initMinioBucket.enabled | Specifies if Minio bucket initialization is enabled | true | | Specified the mc image name override | "" |
minio.service.type | Service type for Minio | ClusterIP |
minio.service.port | Port for Minio service | 9000 |
minio.ingress.enabled | Specifies if Ingress is enabled for Minio | false |
minio.ingress.hosts[0].host | Hostname for Minio Ingress | minio.testifysec.local |
minio.resources | Resources for Minio Deployment | {} (unspecified, user-defined) |
minio.autoscaling.enabled | Specifies if autoscaling is enabled for Minio | false |
minio.autoscaling.minReplicas | Minimum replicas for autoscaling | 1 |
minio.autoscaling.maxReplicas | Maximum replicas for autoscaling | 100 |
minio.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | Target CPU utilization percentage for autoscaling | 80 |
minio.volumes | Additional volumes for Minio Deployment | - name: archivista emptyDir: {} (unspecified, user-defined) |
minio.volumeMounts | Additional volume mounts for Minio Deployment | - name: archivista mountPath: "/data" readOnly: false (unspecified, user-defined) |
minio.nodeSelector | Node selector for Minio pods | {} (unspecified, user-defined) |
minio.tolerations | Tolerations for Minio pods | [] (unspecified, user-defined) |
minio.affinity | Affinity settings for Minio pods | {} (unspecified, user-defined) | | Selector labels for Minio pods | app: minio (unspecified, user-defined) |
mysql.mysqlRootPassword | Root password for MySQL | "root" |
mysql.image.tag | Tag of the MySQL image | latest |
mysql.imagePullSecrets | Secrets to pull the MySQL image | [] |
tsa.namespace.create | Specifies whether to create a namespace for TSA | false | | Name of the TSA namespace | tsa-system |
tsa.server.replicaCount | Number of TSA server replicas | 1 | | Name of the TSA server | server |
tsa.server.svcPort | Service port for TSA | 80 |
tsa.server.grpcSvcPort | gRPC service port for TSA | 5554 |
tsa.server.secret | Secret for TSA server | tsa-server-secret |
tsa.server.logging.production | Specifies production logging for TSA server | false |
tsa.server.env.GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS | Google Application Credentials for TSA server | /etc/tsa-config/cloud_credentials |
tsa.server.image.registry | Registry for TSA server image | |
tsa.server.image.repository | Repository for TSA server image | sigstore/timestamp-server |
tsa.server.image.pullPolicy | Pull policy for TSA server image | IfNotPresent |
tsa.server.image.version | Version of TSA server image | sha256:f4dcc96092a1b1fb5ca36d776f92a7cc62cdb1a8866c5120340f919141a3cd58 |
tsa.server.args.port | Port for TSA server | 5555 |
tsa.server.args.signer | Signer type for TSA server | tink |
tsa.server.args.cert_chain | PEM encoded cert chain for TSA server | chain |
tsa.server.args.tink_enc_keyset | Tink encryption keyset for TSA server | keyset |
tsa.server.args.tink_key_resource | Tink key resource for TSA server | resource |
tsa.server.args.tink_hcvault_token | Tink Hashicorp Vault token for TSA server | token |
tsa.server.args.kms_key_resource | KMS key resource for TSA server | resource |
tsa.server.serviceAccount.create | Specifies whether to create a service account for TSA server | true | | Name of the service account for TSA server | "" (empty, unspecified) |
tsa.server.serviceAccount.annotations | Annotations for the service account for TSA server | {} |
tsa.server.serviceAccount.mountToken | Specifies whether to mount a token for TSA server | true |
tsa.server.service.type | Service type for TSA server | ClusterIP |
tsa.server.service.ports | Ports for TSA server service | See below |
tsa.server.ingress.http.enabled | Specifies whether HTTP ingress is enabled for TSA server | true |
tsa.server.ingress.http.className | Ingress class for HTTP ingress of TSA server | "nginx" |
tsa.server.ingress.http.annotations | Annotations for HTTP ingress of TSA server | {} |
tsa.server.ingress.http.hosts | Hosts for HTTP ingress of TSA server | See below |
tsa.server.ingress.http.tls | TLS configuration for HTTP ingress of TSA server | [] |
tsa.server.securityContext.runAsNonRoot | Specifies whether to run TSA server as non-root | true |
tsa.server.securityContext.runAsUser | User ID to run TSA server as | 65533 |
tsa.forceNamespace | Force namespace for namespaced resources | "" (empty, unspecified) |
You can override these values either directly using --set
during installation or by specifying them in a separate YAML file with -f
. Adjust these values according to your deployment requirements to optimize the behavior of JUDGE as per your needs.